CoverItLive Offers SEO Friendly Live Blogging Result

I’ve used CoverItLive twice to liveblogged 2 events back in February. One was a Saresehan (it’s like a small seminar with small audiences) and a live music.

I will highlight the Saresehan event, as it was a success in terms of the Live Blogging introduction to the local music community. Knowing that less Indonesian music community was accustomed with this sort of online live event coverage (back then, people mostly responded like, live blogging? WTF? Is it like a LIVE chat? What’s the different between those two? etc etc).

However soon after the Live Blogging ends, the widget became dull. It’s like a dead widget in the middle of a blog post. Worst thing is to me, covering a live event especially seminar-like events, is like producing an unsearchable keyword rich content. So with that dead widget, there’s no way people could find the event coveragae through search engine search.

Today, CoverItLive through mailing list, announced their new features which include this Search Engine friendly help:

A potential drawback that concerns users of hosted software is that search engines will not credit their site for content in a hosted application (like CoveritLive).

Yes. It’s a drawback and it concerns me as i found most of my music community site (60%-70%) traffic come from Search Engines.

But CoverItLive has done a good job regarding this issue, they introduce an embedable Live Blogging result and which is surely readable by search engine.

To use the feature, simply login to your account, go to Completed Live Blogs then click the Save Content Locally. Then the site will produce an embedable content. Simply embed the codes to your web page.

I checked out the result using SEO Browser, and now the page is FULL of TEXT. I love it. Thank you CoverItLive.

PS: By the way, CoverItLive is free.

Author: Robin

Jack of all trades living in SF Bay Area, California. Asian.

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